Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Yay for room service!

It was a long day. I had major jet lag this morning... So much so I nodded off during my meeting at CDC this morning....... A few times. It didn't help that I was the sole representative from Utah. Every other state had several group members. It meant that I had to do all of the exercises/activities by myself... But hey... At least I got my way ;). After a long day, including standing outside for 45 minutes for a fire alarm.. (Did I mention it was really cold??) I was super happy to get back to my room, put on pj's and crawl into bed with my iPad. I even ordered room service. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Uhhh right. When I left the plane to enter the Jetway I thought I had landed in Wisconsin! It was 12 degrees! I thought going to Atlanta would give me the opportunity to soak up some vitamin D and help improve my SAD (Seasonal affective disorder). It was not happening this trip. I did however get to ride escalators and moving sidewalks. You can't tell but this escalator is probably 1/4 mile long!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Quid Pro Quo

Yesterday was Super Sick Sunday! So I guess today is.... Ummm Mega Maalox Monday? I started feeling yucky yesterday and by 2 this morning, I was becoming intimately familiar with the toilet and the garbage can in the bathroom. Ok I know... Gross. I will stop there. Needless, to say by afternoon my blood sugar was low and I was dehydrated. I sent out a text begging any family member to bring me some jello to get something in my stomach. This girl answered that call. So today I'm grateful for my Hannah Banana for rescuing me with Grist Mill Chicken Noodle Soup, strawberry Jello and apple juice.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

One colorful girl

I got sick today. No, really sick and I couldn't bring myself to take a picture of the toilet bowl extolling the virtues of indoor plumbing, running water and bleach for my #365grateful project. Instead, I am posting an old picture of my step-daughter, Brittany. We are so proud of her for sticking with school. Especially, since she is so far from home. It was lots of fun having her home but she left today to go back to SUU. Oh and she pulled straight A's last semester! Now she just needs to get a job so she doesn't starve. ;)

Saturday, January 4, 2014

I'm no selfie master

I hate pictures of myself. ALL pictures. And purposefully taking a picture of myself (known far and wide as the selfie)... Seems disingenuous and self deprecating. Plus it's just awkward! But I did promise Morgan, my daughter from another mother, that I would post one. And I am kind of proud of myself for finally getting up the nerve to cut it all off. So today I'm grateful for friends who can do hair and sooo sooo much more.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Day 3 grateful for Tea

My kids gave me a gift certificate for Teavana. I've never been a huge tea drinker but every time I walk into that store and have samples I love them. So I sat down after Christmas festivities were over and bought a bunch of tea. The one I opened tonight was a peach chamomile which I hope helps me sleep and break me out of this funk junk I am in. Love to my son and daughter in law for the awesome gift! It's tasty!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2nd Grateful for Girlfriends

I am not feeling very grateful today. Nothing like a full blown pity party to start the New Year off right! However, I did get to go to lunch with my beautiful friend and coworker @katiemcminnm who I haven't had a real girl talk with in ages. I'm very grateful for girlfriends.